Contact Us
Have a question? Dr. Eppes would love to hear from you!
Please note that we do not accept appointments by email, text, or web.
Please do not text any of our landlines as they will not be received.
We are located in the Interlachen Village building.
(888) 366-4008
Mon - Fri: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturdays and Sundays: We Are Open by Appointment.
WARNING: GPS takes you to wrong side of building: drive around to the right of the Interlachen Village sign and park facing the church parking lot.

I like to tell students that as a good parent, I arrange for an annual physical/medical evaluation just to make sure all is well, even though they aren't sick. This appointment is like a "school checkup" which will help the parents and school make sure they do whatever they can to help the student in school.
The student needs a good night's sleep and a good meal inside them before walking in our door. Bring snacks and arrange to remain in the reception area while we work. For those students who are reluctant, please consider offering a positive reinforcer for good effort (favorite snack, opportunity to earn money toward a preferred activity/toy, special lunch date at favorite restaurant, ice cream, etc.). Most students enjoy the novelty and challenge of the tasks in testing.
We use the first 15–30 minutes with family and child in a rapport-building session. Once your student is responsive and acclimated to the room and evaluator, we excuse the family and begin testing. We take breaks (depending on the age and activity needs of the child, sometimes as often as every twenty minutes) so we have to build in that time into the session. We never want to rush a student, so having longer appointments ensures that there's no time constraint on anyone. One tool could take as little as 45 minutes, another could take up to 2.5 hours, and another about 1.25 hours. We try to select the best tool at the time we meet the child, so never know what amount of time will be required. Although the appointments seem long, it is very much like a “morning at school.”