Gifted IQ Evaluation Services
Our office does cognitive testing to determine intellectual ability for possible eligibility for gifted placement in public schools. The evaluation also can be scheduled to assist parents in understanding the child’s strengths and weaknesses.Â
The following are tools for preschoolers through adult:Â
WISC-V (AGE 6-15:9), WPPSI IV (AGE 2:6-7:7), RIAS-2 (AGE 2+), WAIS-V (AGE 16+) or Binet 5 (AGE 2+) individually administered IQ test Â
We schedule 2.5 hours for the appointment
The parent should expect that the appointment does not usually require the entire amount of time, we simply offer that time slot so that the students never feel rushed.
Usually, the parent receives the results that day verbally, so allow an additional half-hour in your schedule.
The mailed typed and emailed PDF versions of the report are typically available within 5 to 7 days.
The first fifteen minutes to half-hour of the appointment includes the parent/family in the appointment to allow rapport-building. The remaining time is just with the client, but many "breaks" are taken during that time. We work at the rate the client works and never rush. We have several tests and the evaluator usually chooses one after meeting you. Although based on standard norms, which typically yield the same scores, we have found that sometimes personality contributes to the choice of the test. Of importance is that if your student has been previously evaluated, we must know the name of the test so that we ensure that a sufficient amount of time has elapsed since the first testing.The above cost covers the testing time, the written report and an additional half-hour appointment (adult with evaluator) to discuss the results and recommendations.
All appointments are made via phone call, and we ask for a $100 deposit via credit card over the phone to secure your appointment day and time. It is deducted from the balance due and is refundable, less a $25 administrative fee, if the appointment is canceled with at least 7 days notice. Please visit our website www.DoctorWandaEppes.com to learn about our providers. We would be happy to meet you!Â
We ask that both biological parents sign a Consent for Treatment for a minor child. If the parents are no longer together, please provide a court document which states custody rights, or state if deceased. If parents need separate feedback sessions, there is an additional charge per half hour.Â