Welcome to Our Office
We look forward to meeting you and/or your student. We find that when all parties understand office policy and procedures, there is less confusion such that expectations are clear and more reasonably met.
Regarding Payment
Our office is a “cash pay” office. We accept cash, checks, money orders, and credit cards (VISA, Master Card, Discover, American Express). We also accept Health Savings accounts which operate like a credit card. We do not accept any form of insurance. Our office is HIPAA-compliant, so your private information is not shared with anyone, unless you sign an AUTHORIZATION OF RELEASE OF INFORMATION FORM and direct us to communicate with a third party.

Regarding Types of Evaluations
Academic Achievement OR IQ testing (for either Gifted or Intellectual Disability) appointments are completed in one appointment. Parents are informed of findings verbally that day. Written reports follow in the mail. Occasionally these evaluations result in a need for further evaluation to explore achievement, ability, attention, behavior, mood, or social functioning at additional time/cost. The Academic Achievement Appointment typically results in a printout of scores. If you need an academic report with clinical observations and interpretations, there is an additional charge. We have found that gifted and talented programs often require both IQ and Achievement results.
Comprehensive Evaluation appointments cover IQ (cognitive ability), academic achievement, behavior, and social functioning. They require two testing appointments (2 to 3.5-hour sessions, depending on client age) and one feedback session (1 to 1.5 hours with adults) to communicate findings. The written evaluation comprises 2 reports:
1. Psychological Report (reporting all data obtained, diagnoses if appropriate, interpretation, and recommendations for Section 504 Accommodations if appropriate)
2. Educational Recommendations, which have strategies and recommendations for the specific issues that are needed for the client.
Please Note: If there is a need to fully explore mood issues, there may be a recommendation for further time/costs to fully describe the client.
Regarding Scheduling
We have providers available on weekdays, weekends, and some holidays. Morning appointments start at either 9:00 am or 9:30 am and are best for those clients under age 10. Afternoon appointments typically start at 1:00 pm. We do not test after about 4:30 pm. All appointments result in both verbal and written feedback about results.
When you are interested in booking an appointment, please complete the following forms, with signatures (both parents’ signatures on the consent form, please). Then either email the scan to [email protected] or FAX to (888) 366-4008.
Registration Form
Consent for Treatment Form
Please call the office at (407) 677-4001, or (407) 414-8751 and speak to our office manager, Lewis, to learn about available dates, costs, and providers.
Once you are committed to the dates, we require a $100 deposit (refundable at $75 if you cancel with at least seven days’ notice). We do not hold an appointment time until the deposit is paid.
You will receive an email from MXMERCHANT as a record of your deposit.
You will receive an email from [email protected] with confirmation of your appointments and provider contact information in the form of a WELCOME LETTER. PLEASE KEEP YOUR PROVIDER’S CONTACT INFORMATION HANDY.
We attempt to alert you that the email comes from us by placing the client’s initials on the subject line (i.e.: X.X. WELCOME AND REGISTRATION FORMS).
Because parents are those who know the client best, you are asked to complete several additional forms for a comprehensive evaluation. These are attachments to your WELCOME EMAIL or downloadable from this website.
We also need “eyes in the classroom” for comprehensive evaluations, so ask that a teacher complete an online questionnaire. There is one for a parent, and if the client is age 11 or older, one for them to complete. It is from ASEBAweb. These online questionnaires may only be completed ONCE. If parents can complete the form together, that is ideal. If there is disagreement (or the client lives in two homes), please request an additional online parent questionnaire from Lewis.
If the client is a minor child and does not live with both parents, please help us communicate clearly to all parties. If you are making arrangements with our office, we ask that you send all attachments, online forms, and registration forms to the other parent. If there are adoption records or court documents specifying the parent with educational/medical decision-making, please submit them.
Please collect all end-of-the-year report cards and any previous evaluations or group achievement test results and submit them for inclusion in your report.

On the Day of the Appointment
Please be sure to allow sufficient time for morning routine and travel such that you arrive unstressed 5–10 minutes before your appointment time.
Ensure the client has a good night’s sleep, and a full meal PRIOR to entering the testing setting.
Bring healthy drinks and snacks so that when there is a “break” the client can “refuel”.
If your child is under 16, please plan to stay in the reception room and be available to encourage and visit with your child on breaks.
If your child is 16 and under 18, we require that you arrive with your student on the first test day. They may drive independently on the second assuming all registration forms have been submitted.
If you need to have an adult (other than a parent) transport, please do so by making prior arrangements with this office.
By the end of the second comprehensive appointment, you and your provider should select a mutually agreeable date/time for your feedback session. It is usually 2 to 3 weeks after the last day of testing. Allow at least one hour. This can be done in the office or by Zoom. If Zoom is selected, please ensure that your account in our office is paid in full prior to that appointment. We do not keep credit/debit card information on file. You may need to call it in again for payment.
Following the feedback session, we ask that you read the information carefully and let us know if there are errors in the background section of the report. We aim for accuracy so if we have misunderstood or misinterpreted the information you submit, we would like to collaborate with you to correct it.
Once you notify us that the report is in final form, we will send you a PDF version of the report for your records.
In the Future
If you have a quick question following your feedback session which can be answered by email, feel free to reach out. We do not charge for work requiring less than 15 minutes. More complicated issues may require scheduling a follow-up appointment at an additional cost.
Although not typical, we may be able to participate in school meetings at your request for additional costs. Typically, our reports “speak for us” at schools and in courts so this is not often needed.
You may download an AUTHORIZATION OF RELEASE OF INFORMATION from this website, complete it, and SCAN or FAX to us if you wish for us to communicate with a third party.
If you wish for an additional appointment to discuss findings or explore future issues, we are available for consultation at additional costs.
Comprehensive evaluations often need to be updated as the client ages. Typically, every three to five years. We have found that colleges and testing boards want an evaluation to be “timely” and typically after the 16th birthday, so that “adult” testing norms may be used.
We warehouse the reports and your registration forms for a minimum of 7 years. If you require new copies, or for us to send a PDF of the records, there is a $25 charge.